Sunday, July 13, 2014

Pot Luck Supper!!

Sunday night and all is well and quiet.  We had our Branch Conference today.  We had as many Stake Visitors as we had members attending.  N We have a wonderful Stake President Quinn Millington.  He is originally from Idaho, but came to Alabama to attend College and stayed on for his Physical Therapy career.  He owns several business and the one  he told us about today is called The Iron Man Store, everything for swimming, biking and running.  He used his experiences in participating in an Iron Man Competition
For his talk.  First he swam in the Gulf of Mexico, out one mile across ¼ mile and back one mile to the beach, then  jumping on a bike and riding for 56 miles, and then running a Half Marathon.  He related that at about the 6th mile of the half marathon, you just want to quit.  You aren’t sure if you can make your body keep going.  Then he referred to Galations 6:9.  And let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.   He then talked about each of  us in our lives sometimes just want to just stop and rest.... but we must continue in well doing,  press onward and in  “due season” we shall be rewarded.  We must not faint and give up. 

  After our Conference concluded, we had a wonderful Pot Luck Supper.  This is what the Branch does when the Stake people come down here as it is at least an hour and a half drive to get here. The first meeting is at 7:30 and we ended at 11:30 so everyone who came down is hungry and still has a long drive home. When our Branch President announced the Pot Luck he asked every one to bring two covered dishes...with some thing in the dishes.  WE had a banquet for a King!    And food for twice as many people as we had in attendance.
Southerners really know how to put on a spread.  We had two long tables with main courses, salads and breads., and another long table of just desserts.  So much good food.  Everyone here has BIG beautiful gardens and it is harvesting time for much of it, so we are enjoying tomatoes, corn, snap beans and okra.   WE love our little Branch and our wonderful members.  It truly is a Branch Family.  We are blessed to be serving here with these wonderful faithful saints.  AND we are truly blessed to have such a wonderful supportive family who we love more than life itself.   We are so glad that you are all having such wonderful summer fun times and are sharing them with us in pictures.  We love  you so much.  Love Grandma and Grandpa

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